Adventures on the Nile: Longing to Return

Our visit was over before we knew it and we could have stayed exploring for another few weeks. There are so many options and excursions to take part in, one visit is simply not enough. We are already thinking about the next time we can revisit this amazing destination! And while we were sad to be on our last day in Egypt, it definitely ended on a high note.

We spent the morning at the Pyramids of Giza and the afternoon touring the museum in Memphis and the necropolis of Saqqara. We spent a lovely evening eating delicious food at a local restaurant. Then we visited a papyrus shop, where they gave us a demonstration of traditional papyrus creation. We enjoyed spending our final night at the luxurious Conrad Hotel in downtown Cairo. We might have been tired from our full day, but we were not ready for our adventures to be over!

If Egypt has been on your bucket list, we encourage you to take the trip soon. You will be blown away by the beauty of its historic landmarks, enjoy the friendly people, eat amazing food, and explore along the Nile as Egyptians have done for thousands of years!

Thank you for joining us as we shared our adventures along the Nile and be sure to contact us to set up your own Egypt vacation. And follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest for more travel tips!


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